Art, Branding and Community
Holders will get a limited high quality hand drawn digital ghost illustrated by USGMEN that also serves as a membership to our private community with access to giveaways, limited merchandise, and priority to future collections.
We plan to collaborate with other artists and projects whose community and vision align with ours to present amazing art, a unique experience and value to holders through an immersive experience.
Monster Suit Manga. We’ll continue to release manga chapters/panels bi-weekly. We hope to expand the manga further down the road.
Pixel Project.
Monster Coin on Solana (MNSTR).
MonsterSuitNFTs is a collection of 5,000 MonsterSuit Rues that are exclusively designed by hand. Crystal Roots LLC is developing the universe of Rues and their Monster Suits as they highlight the original artwork of world famous illustrator USGMEN and the lore of Fresh Moss. MonsterSuitNFTs showcases the belief in the importance of storytelling and inclusivity for the community as they navigate the direction of the collection together utilizing their Rues and their keys to unlock vast and powerful attributes in both.
Once minting is available you can purchase on the secondary market on platforms like OpenSea.
Our collection rarities can be found here.
Join our Discord, here!